Sheikh Zayed
الشيخ زايد - توين تاورز - مبني سي - الدور السادس - عياده م
N 90th street - New Cairo
التجمع الخامس - تريفيوم بيزنس - الدور الثاني - عياده 211

Muscle spasm treated with Acupuncture in 6 October, Egypt

Diseases that treat Chinese acupuncture (Acupuncture), or which contribute to the treatment, are some diseases of blood and blood vessels and related. Musculoskeletal diseases, arthritis, neurological diseases and related diseases, treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis, lack of sleep, Muscle spasm, nerve pain of various nerves, facial nerve paralysis, pain and neck diseases, pain and disease down Back, neck twisting, neurosis, conflict and oedema. (clinic in 6 October, Egypt)

Psychiatric diseases treat alcoholism, drug addiction, addiction to smoking and, in some neuro degenerative diseases, neuro degenerative disorders, hysteria, male erectile dysfunction, sexual coldness in women, night and night urination in children and adults, as well as epilepsy.



Near me, Acupuncturist in New Cairo, Egypt

Acupuncturist Doctor in New Cairo, Egypt

How Much Does Average cost of Acupuncture per session in Cairo, Egypt?

Acupuncture treatment in Cairo, Egypt

Acupuncture treatment is effective ways to treat many disease. The price of acupuncture can vary greatly by region in cairo Egypt. View our local acupuncturists or get near you. just contact us or visit us at our clinic.

How Much Does Average cost of Acupuncture per session in Cairo, Egypt?

Physical Therapy

Type Session Price
Evaluation 30-60 minutes EGP
Follow-up Visit 30-60 minutes EGP


Type Session Price
Evaluation 30-60 minutes EGP
Follow-up Visit 30-60 minutes EGP

How to Find Acupuncture Clinic in Cairo, Egypt

If you are already a user in circle 5 clinic, you can search for a(n) Acupuncturist doctor and book an appointment over the internet in less than a minute. Same day appointments usually are available, you can search the available days and hours and book the appointment instantly.

We sees and treats patient for a wide range of conditions and diagnoses. Average time 30 - 45 minutes.

By call our clinic at (+2) 01111222018 .

How to find Acupuncture clinic in Cairo, Egypt 
How to find Acupuncture clinic in Cairo, Egypt 

عياده دكتور ابر صينيه في مدينه نصر

الوخز بالابر الصيني هو وسيله للطب الصيني القديم ، والذي يقوم علي إدخال عده ابر رقيقه جدا في جلد المريض في عده مناطق أو بالمرض ، وهو اجراء طبي تكميلي (الطب التكميلي). كما انه يختلف جذريا عن الطرق المختلفة المستخدمة في الطب ويستند الأساس التقليدي للعلاج بالابر الصينية علي الاعتقاد بالطاقة في الجسم ، والتي تسمي خطوط الطول. وهم يعتقدون ان فقدان هذه الطاقة إلى حدوث الامراض وان الوخز بالابر هو واحد ان يتعافى من تدفق هذه الطاقة التي تساعد في العلاج والعافية ، ويستخدم هذا الأسلوب لعلاج العديد من الامراض.

الوخز بالابر هو علاج فعال للألم ويمكنك ان تشعر بشكل أفضل في نفس الجلسه

Osteoarthritis Treatment with Physiotherapy | Now in Cairo, Egypt

Knee Osteoarthritis is a disease caused by the erosion of soft cartilage covering the surface of the bones of the joint, causing erosion to the injury in a smooth movement, which weakens the cohesion of cartilage fractured surfaces, and gradually eroded until the bone is free of cartilage that protects them, More pain. This knee stiffness increases as the age increases. And can be treatment by physiotherapist and Acupuncture.

The symptoms of early knee Osteoarthritis are one of the most common in adults, due to the beginning of the erosion of the knee cartilage in its early stages due to inflammation of the synovial membrane, which produces the fluid responsible for the softness of the joints. Feel this pain so that the situation does not get worse.


Symptoms of early knee roughness:

     Different movement of the knee and walking in the injured due to imbalance of movement of the foot.
     Feeling pain when walking a lot and walking up stairs.
     Swelling and swelling of the knee due to pooling of water.
     Difficulty of joint movement and pain in the knee joint when pressed.
     Hearing the sound of friction inside the joint while moving, due to the corrosion that occurred.
     Muscle cramps and spasms occur around the affected knee joint.
     Tired in the joint after waking up and disappearing after an hour.


Causes of early knee stiffness:

    It is recommended to reduce weight and maintain proper food quality to avoid weight gain.
    Aging As we get older, cartilage becomes weaker.
    Inheritance, there may be factors and genetic causes are responsible for knee roughness.
    Curvature of the legs leads to overloading of specific parts of the joint.
    Knee injury such as inflammation, fractures, rupture of ligaments or cartilage.
    Bad habits and foot stress such as repeating the rise and fall of the ladder and practicing violent sports.
    Arthritis and knee injuries.
    Eating meat and legumes, which increases the proportion of uric acid, which causes the roughness of the knee.
    The joint is exposed to cold air currents, which helps to increase knee stiffness.

Osteoarthritis Treatment with Physiotherapy | Now in Cairo, Egypt

Acupuncturist Egypt – Treatment with Doctor Acupuncture Clinic in Cairo

Chinese acupuncture is one of the ancient Chinese medicine methods, based on the insertion of thin needles in specific places of the patient’s skin. Chinese acupuncture is a complementary medicine, which is radically different from conventional methods used in traditional Western medicine. Chinese acupuncture is not always based on scientific evidence, as in traditional medicine. by Acupuncturist in Cairo

Acupuncturist Egypt – Doctor Acupuncture Clinic in Cairo

Theoretical basis: The principle of acupuncture is the belief that energy travels through channels in the body called meridians. The Chinese acupuncturists, who hold these beliefs, believe that the loss of energy for their ability to move freely across the body may lead to illness, and that acupuncture can restore Energy flow and restore wellness again.

Some use of Chinese acupuncture: Chinese acupuncturists resort to this method to treat many pathological conditions. But it is often used to relieve pain, such as headaches, back pain, and dental pain. Chinese needles are commonly used to treat certain conditions, such as infertility, anxiety and asthma.

Benefits of Chinese needles: There is some evidence of the effectiveness of Chinese needles in treating a few cases, including migraine and postoperative nausea. On the other hand, there is little or no evidence of the effectiveness of Chinese needles in treating many of the cases that have traditionally been used to treat them, and there is a need for further research on the effectiveness of Chinese needles in the treatment of these cases.

There is no scientific evidence of the existence of energy pathways. However, some Chinese acupuncture scientists and practitioners believe that Chinese acupuncture alerts the musculoskeletal tissue, and that it may be responsible for the positive results observed in some clinical trials. It is important to remember that the feeling of improvement after some treatments may return to a phenomenon called placebo effect, not because of the treatment itself.

Places in Cairo that Practice Physiotherapy with Acupuncture | Now in Egypt

Physiotherapy is a type of therapy that aims to heal physical disabilities and promotes muscle functions of damaged muscles and joints as an alternative therapy. Physical therapy also includes pain management through mechanical movements and other strategies focused on the patient's collection of movements And activities that speed up the rehabilitation process. The area of ​​physiotherapy ensures that a person suffering from any injury or undergoing surgery in the muscles and / or joints returns to normal life, with the help of experts in this field who are known as physiotherapists. They treatment patient in combined acupuncture with physiotherapy to get better effect on your case.

Chinese acupuncture involves the insertion of extremely fine needles into the skin in specific areas of the body, a very ancient treatment for pain relief from Chinese medicine.Chinese medicine explains Chinese acupuncture as a way to balance the flow of energy in the body, which is believed to flow through specific pathways in the body. By inserting needles at certain points along these paths, Chinese acupuncturists believe that the flow of your energy will restore its balance.

acupuncture in egypt
physiotheray in cairo