Sheikh Zayed
الشيخ زايد - توين تاورز - مبني سي - الدور السادس - عياده م
N 90th street - New Cairo
التجمع الخامس - تريفيوم بيزنس - الدور الثاني - عياده 211

Joint Arthritis Treated With Acupuncture | Now in Cairo, Egypt

(Pain Relief )The Chinese acupuncture is a very ancient therapeutic technique of traditional Chinese medicine using fine needles placed at specific points in the body that are used mainly to relieve pain and treat certain cases. The technique has spread around the world recently. In France, for example, one out of five people tested Chinese needles.

  • How Chinese Acupuncture needles work by freeing the body energy when needles are inserted at certain points in the body in 14 tracks of energy, and it stimulates the release of the body of the substance Indrovin, a natural analgesic of pain, and also the use of needles in places that activate the blood circulation.
  • Is acupuncture treatment painfull Chinese needles are very accurate and often do not feel pain when used or feel very slight jerks and you will often feel relaxed and comfortable after use.
  • Chinese Acupuncture needles to treat low back pain You can resort to Chinese acupuncture treatment for lower back pain if traditional treatments do not work. Studies have already shown the effectiveness of Chinese needles for treatment of persistent back pain,
  • Chinese Acupuncture needles for headaches help Chinese needles treat migraines and tension and stress headaches. Studies have shown that people treated with Chinese acupuncture suffer less headaches than those treated with traditional treatments.
  • Chinese Acupunctureneedles for the treatment of FibromyalgiaChinese needles have not proved very useful in the treatment of fibromyalgia (pain in the muscles, tendons and joints) but improve pain and relieve the tension associated with the disease.
  • Chinese Acupuncture needles for the treatment of arthritis Studies have shown the usefulness of Chinese needles in the treatment of arthritis as well as the use of traditional treatments, especially in the case of knee pain, but more studies are needed confirmation
  • Chinese Acupuncture needles used to treat wrist pain Taiwan researchers compared Chinese needles with cortisone for pain and palm pain and showed that people treated with Chinese needle sessions had less pain.

Main Treatment of Acupuncture in this cases:

  • Elbow/wrist/hand pain and injuries
  • Shoulder pain and injuries
  • Hip/knee pain and injuries
  • Ankle/foot pain and injuries
  • Back pain and injuries

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