Sheikh Zayed
الشيخ زايد - توين تاورز - مبني سي - الدور السادس - عياده م
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التجمع الخامس - تريفيوم بيزنس - الدور الثاني - عياده 211

Physical Therapy in Egypt – Definition of Clinic Guide

What is physical therapy?

Physiotherapy is a medical profession and one of the major branches of medicine provides services to individuals in order to develop, maintain and re-maximize mobility and functional capacity throughout life. This includes the provision of services in situations where traffic is threatened by aging, injury, illness or environmental factors.
Physical therapy is concerned with identifying and improving the quality of life and mobility within the areas of prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and rehabilitation. Physical therapy involves the interaction between physiotherapists, patients, other health professionals, families, caregivers and communities in a process where mobility and agreed goals are assessed using unique knowledge and skills for physical therapy and physiotherapy is practiced by a specialist physiotherapist.


What is a physiotherapist's job?

The physiotherapist uses the individual's history and physical examination to arrive at the diagnosis, develop a management plan and, where necessary, include the results of laboratory studies and imaging. Electrical testing (such as electrophysiological mapping and neural conduction testing) can also be used.

Physical therapy has many specialties including heart medicine, geriatric medicine, neurology, orthopedics and paediatrics. Physiotherapy is a medical specialty known early as the diagnosis and treatment of disability and disease by natural means and there is a modern definition taken by Dr.: Thela Holmes, associate professor of the curriculum of physiotherapy at the University of Florida.

Physical therapy is an art and science that contributes to the development of health and the prevention of disease through understanding the movement of the body and it works to correct and mitigate the effects of disease and injury, including methods of assessment and treatment of patients and management and supervision of medical treatment services and workers and consult other health systems and the preparation of records and reports and participate in the planning community and projects Future plans and evaluation of educational programs.


Where do physiotherapists work?

Physiotherapists work in many places, such as outpatient clinics or offices, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, extended care facilities, private homes, education, research centers, schools, nursing homes, industrial workplaces or other professional environments.
In order for the physiotherapist to provide the full service and sound scientific care of the patients, he must work on the basis of a strong level of understanding with doctors and therapists in work and social service.


Departments of physiotherapy

The faculties of physiotherapy include the following sections:

    Department of Basic Medical Sciences and Teaching Materials (Anatomy Physiology Radiology Orthopedics Tissues Women and Obstetrics Diseases Medicine Biochemistry Public Health Biophysics Organ Functions Electrophysiology Psychology Biomechanics
    Department of physiotherapy for neurological diseases and surgeries and their theories
    Department of physical therapy for internal and elderly diseases, chest and heart surgery, chest diseases and intensive care
    Department of physical therapy for diseases and orthopedic surgery and its theories of injuries and fractures and medical clues
    Department of physical therapy for diseases and surgeries of children and delayed growth and disabilities
    Department of membranes for dermatology, burns, chronic wounds and plastic surgery
    Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
    Department of Biomechanics to study the analysis of movement by measurements and tests

physical therapy clinic guide