Sheikh Zayed
الشيخ زايد - توين تاورز - مبني سي - الدور السادس - عياده م
N 90th street - New Cairo
التجمع الخامس - تريفيوم بيزنس - الدور الثاني - عياده 211

We provide Physical Therapy services

Your personal physical therapy begins with a comprehensive evaluation of functional limitations and areas of pain. Our team of expert physical therapists will design a treatment plan based on your work-related needs and goals. We take a team approach and will consult with your employer and case manager, if necessary. Throughout your treatment, we will work hard to help you return to all normal functional activities.

When you are ready for discharge, you will receive a personalized home exercise program to allow you to stay healthy on the job, further enhance your rehabilitation.

Our services included all types and sizes

We take a team approach and will consult with your employer and case manager, if necessary. Throughout your treatment, we will work hard to help you return to all normal functional activities. When you are ready for discharge, you will receive a personalized home exercise-program to allow you to stay healthy.

Our experienced team of physiotherapists will perform a comprehensive assessment, including postural and biomechanical assessments, to diagnose your problem.



Lower back pain

Lower back pain can be because of many reasons, but primary culprits are flexibility, stiffness in spine and hip and core muscle weakness.

Rotator cuff injury

Rotator cuff muscles are group of 4 muscles which works at shoulder joint to provide active stability throughout the range of motion due to injury these muscles are not able to keep the shoulder stable.


Tendons are the terminal part of the muscle which attaches to the bone when they are inflamed in this condition. This can have various underlying biomechanical causes.

Golfer’s elbow

It is an inflammation at the junction of muscle and bone at the inner side of elbow. Common reasons are poor flexibility in forearm. This is seen commonly in beginners and occasional golfers.

The Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex (TFCC) Injury

This structure provides stability around the wrist, it get damaged due to overstretching of wrist while playing.

Meniscus injury

Meniscus the shock absorbing cushion in joint, this gets injured due to unaccustomed twisting action at knee in weight bearing position. This can produce pain inside and outside of joint and if overlooked leads to secondary Osteoarthritis

Planter Fasciitis

Planter fasciitis is inflammation of Planter Fascia which is I twisted sling like structure in the sole. It can produce pain under the under the sole or along the inner aspect of heel.

Lower back issues

Lower back issues are primarily due to overuse injury and excess load imposed by sporting moves like fast bowling, batting in slightly bent position.

Shoulder injuries

Shoulder injuries in cricketers are there due to excessive throwing, peculiar bowling action, overtraining, over exertion.

Collateral ligament injury

Collateral ligament injury in knee is due to awkward landing while fielding, twisting over fixed foot when spikes get stuck in turf while bowling or fielding.

Tennis elbow

Tennis elbow is an inflammation at the outer aspect of the elbow which produces pain around elbow and forearm. Probable reasons are use of heavy bat, over twisting of arm while bowling and biomechanical faults.

Hamstring strain

Muscular insufficiency of gluteal muscles is also one important contributing factor.

Ankle Sprain

Ankle Sprain is tearing of ligaments which provides stability to the ankle it happens due to sudden change direction of movement, poor balance.

Squash and Tennis

ACL, Meniscus Issue, Shoulder (Rotator cuff injury, SLAP, Impingement), Planter Fasciitis, Achilles Tendinitis.

Meniscus injury

Meniscus the shock absorbing cushion in joint, this gets injured due to unaccustomed twisting action at knee in weight bearing position. This can produce pain inside and outside of joint and if overlooked leads to secondary Osteoarthritis.

Achilles tendonitis

Achilles tendonitis is inflammation at heel cord and its attachment. Artificial flooring, muscular imbalance, compromised flexibility are the contributing factors.

Marathon Runners

Runners knee, Patellar tendinitis, ITB friction syndrome, Planter fasciitis, Shin splint.