Sheikh Zayed
الشيخ زايد - توين تاورز - مبني سي - الدور السادس - عياده م
N 90th street - New Cairo
التجمع الخامس - تريفيوم بيزنس - الدور الثاني - عياده 211

What is Cupping?

Cupping is a technique that uses small glass, plastic, silicone or bamboo ‘cups’ as a suction device. The cups are placed

cupping in egypt

on the skin while suction is created inside the cup. Traditionally a small flame would be placed briefly inside the cup to create a vacuum then removed before the cup was applied to the skin. It is common now to use a pump to pull out a little air to create suction. When placed on the skin, the skin and superficial muscles are drawn up into the cup a little.

This is the opposite of how massage works, as instead of applying pressure to muscles it uses gentle suction to pull them up. This is considered dry cupping. In wet cupping small incisions are made on the skin and then the suction cup draws out small amounts of blood.

Once placed on the skin the cups can be gently moved across the skin. Massage oils are often applied beforehand to allow the cups to glide easily. The cups may be moved around or left in place for 10-30min.

Side effects of cupping

Cupping increases circulation and does cause bruising, so bruising from cupping should be expected. The bruises may be slightly sore for a few days and the skin should return to looking normal again after around 10 days depending on how strongly the cupping was applied. Cupping should not be used in people with bleeding disorders.

Benefits of cupping

Cupping expands the capillaries and increases the amount of fluid coming in and out of the tissues. The suction provided by cupping loosens muscles, increases blood flow, and calms the nervous system. From a Chinese medicine perspective cupping is especially good at moving stagnation and opening the flow of energy. It is thought to affect the tissues up to four inches below the skin, and is therefore one of the best deep tissue therapies.

Reduces pain

Cupping helps alleviate pain in the back, neck, rheumatic pain, migraines, cancer pain, improves athletic performance, reduces scar tissue, reduces stiffness and alleviates muscle cramps.
Promotes relaxation

Cupping sedates the central nervous system and calms anxiety.

Improves Digestions

For digestive problems cupping is usually done on the belly and the low back. It can improve stomach pains, IBS, gastritis, increase metabolism, relieve constipation, strengthen the digestive system, and promote a healthy appetite.
Treats Respiratory Issues

Cupping on the upper back is used to clear away phlegm and congestion and speeds up the healing time from respiratory illnesses such as flu and the common cold. It can also be of benefit in the treatment for allergies and asthma. It helps improve immune function by moving blood and lymphatic fluid. One of the earliest uses of cupping was for treating lung infections.

Cupping and acupuncture combined

Most often acupuncture is combined with cupping in one treatment, but it can be used alone.

Circle 5 Clinic

Dr. Ahmed Reda Chiropractic

ما هي الحجامة ؟

الحجامة هي نوع من أنواع الطب التقليدي الذي يستخدم للتخلص من بعض الأمراض المختلفة، ويعود تاريخها إلى العصور القديمة.

ما هي انواع العلاج بالحجامة ؟

أولاً: الحجامة الجافة

ويستعمل فيها ما يعرف بكؤوس الهواء يضعها على موضع الألم في جسم المريض دون شرط جلده

ثانياً: الحجامة الرطبة

تختلف عن الحجامة الجافة بتشريط الجلد تشريطاً خفيفاً ووضع الحجامه على مكان التشريط وتفريغها من الهواء عن طريق (سحب الهواء)

ما هي أوقات الحجامة ؟

يتم عمل الحجامه في اي يوم من ايام السنه ( والايام المفضله هي ايام ١٧ و ١٩ و ٢١ من كل شهر هجري )

عيادة طبية متخصصة

  • جميع الادوات معقمة واستخدام مرة واحدة
  • فحص طبي خاص بالحجامة
  • ادوات خاصة لكل مريض
  • تتم الحجامة بواسطه دكتور فقط

ما هي الاثار الجانبيه للحجامة ؟

ينتج عن العلاج بالحجامة عادةً علامات أو كدمات دائرية في المواقع التي وُضعت به الكؤوس، وتجدر الإشارة إلى أنّ هذه العلامات تبدأ بالتلاشي بعد مرور عدّة أيام

ما هي مدة جلسات العلاج بالحجامة ؟

تستغرق الحجامه عادة في المتوسط نصف ساعه 30 دقيقة

هل تؤلم الحجامة ؟

العلاج بالحجامه لايسبب اي ألم في العموم

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Circle 5 Clinic


(Rivulet) الشيخ زايد ( توين تاورز – مبني سي – الدور السادس – عياده (م) )

مواعيد العمل

السبت – الاثنين – الاربعاء

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